First Monday of every month!
Union Gospel Mission 4-6:00 pm
Join us to serve a meal, assist with organizing clothes, food or just sit & have a good conversation with some new folks!
Sunday School
Sunday mornings at 8:45 am
Co-ed class for all ages.
We are going through the book of Romans.
Sunday School
Sunday mornings at 8:45am
Classes for three different age groups: infant to 3 years old; Pre-K to 5th grade & 6th grade to 12th grade.
Woman's Study
Wednesday's at 1:00 pm
Come to join other Christian woman from all walks of life to learn more about Christ, and fellowship & lean on each other for support & comfort.
**Will resume January 7th**
Men's Study
Thursday's at 9:00 am
Come to join other Christian men from all walks of life to learn more about Christ, fellowship & lean on each other for support & comfort.
Sisto's Bible Study
Tuesday's at 4:00 pm
Come to join other Christian men & woman from all walks of life to learn more about Christ, join in fellowship & learn to lean on each other for support.
**Will resume January 7th**